Hi! My name is Vatsal Parsaniya. A technology enthusiast, working to solve real-world problems and trying to bring a change, who enjoys connecting the dots: be it ideas from different disciplines, people from different teams, or applications from different industries.
I am a Kaggle 3X Expert and keen focus on building accurate, value-generating models that are scalable. Passionate about search-based systems!! I love to extract knowledge & insights from huge and complex data sets. The power of questioning and extracting answers from various data sets has always fascinated me.
In my undergraduate studies, I’ve taken on various leadership roles, including the development of chess playing robortic arm, coordinating institute-wide technical events for hundreds of people, and leading the robotics club of the college.
B.Tech in ICT (Information and Communication Technology), 2021
PDEU (Pandit Deendayal Energy University)